Twin Everest Model: dans la peau de Kilian Jornet!

Pour mes amis francais!


A good friend of NOI, Yannick Barde-Cabusson has previously translated our DIM SIM NOInote into French – Les DIMs et les SIMs. Yannick has now translated a number of classic NOI infographics and has written a series of blog posts to go with them – here he is in his own words with a piece on the Twin Peaks Model. If you are a French speaking NOIjam follower, please enjoy, if not, you may have a friend who is, that you could share this with. Our thanks to Yannick for his work.

Le « Twin Peaks Model » (voir la figure ci-dessous) tiré du livre « Explain Pain* » est un modèle poursuivant plusieurs objectifs d’éducation thérapeutique à la douleur. Il peut permettre au patient de découvrir que douleur et dommage tissulaire ne sont pas nécessairement liés ou encore comprendre comment son système nerveux (SN) s’est sensibilisé et utilise la douleur pour le…

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Great expectations…

Adam Meakins hits the spot again…… “We all go through life with expectations. We expect our alarm clock to wake us up in the morning, we expect the day to go the way it usually does, we expect a kiss from our partner when we get home…

Source: Great expectations…