What just happened? Reflecting on change* after watching Peter O’Sullivan at EP3

And Part 2 of the story by @KWernliPhysio is just as enlightening…thanks folks


This is part two of a shared blog from Jay-Shian Tan and Kevin Wernli, two PhD students at Curtin University who were invited to attend the recent EP3 at the G as science correspondents. Part 1 ‘Integrating Explain Pain and Cognitive Functional Therapy in persistent low back pain‘ can be found here.

*This is my interpretation of how Russell went from a fearful, anxious person with a 35-year history of back pain, to someone with a new mindset on his back/life and hope for the future  – ‘a light at the end of the tunnel’ (a great example of a patients use of the metaphorical language that Jay discussed previously). This interpretation is based on my experience as a PhD candidate at Curtin University, my own research of Cognitive Functional Therapy, and my experience working in a Clinic with people like Professor Peter O’Sullivan, Dr JP Caneiro…

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Integrating Explain Pain and Cognitive Functional Therapy in persistent low back pain

I had the pleasure of being in the audience to experience this first hand and appreciate the succinct summary of this and Part 2 (to follow)


Reflections on EP3 at the G

I had the fantastic opportunity to be invited to attend EP3 at the G (Melbourne Cricket Ground) as a science correspondent. One of the standout learning experiences was due to the generosity of a gentleman named Russell who donated his time to stand on stage and be examined by Peter O’Sullivan in front of 250 people! Russell’s 35 year story exemplified the discrepancy between guidelines based care and clinical practice.

Evidence base in persistent low back pain

The recent Lancet series in low back pain described this gap between clinical practice and the recommendations promoted in best practice guidelines (Foster 2018). International guidelines in the management of people with persistent low back pain are aligning towards common themes that all health care professionals and the general community need to become familiar. Promoting high value care such as education, returning to usual activity, exercise and…

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